guide 1guide n. 案内者, ガイド; 案内記, 手引き. 【動詞+】 always carry a guide to the city いつも町の案内書をもっている employ a guide ガイドを雇う The book forms a complete guide to a very complex subject. その本は非常に複雑な問題
he knew the yusoku kojitsu well (to study traditional imperial events or regulations and so on ), he wrote a practical guide , " kinpi shio ." また、有職故実に通じていて解説書『禁秘抄』を著している。
sakihisa konoe communicated with nobunaga oda as an authority of taka-gari and gave a practical guide , ' ryuzan-ko taka-hyakushu ' to hideyoshi toyotomi and ieyasu tokugawa as well . 近衛前久は鷹狩の権威者として織田信長と交わり、また豊臣秀吉と徳川家康に解説書「龍山公鷹百首」を与えている。
according to the " kinpisho " (records of the history and origin of imperial court ceremonies which set forth the rules and etiquette for carrying out such ceremonies ), a practical guide to yusoku kojitsu (court and samurai rules of ceremony and etiquette ) written by emperor juntoku , there were once famous biwa called " genjo " and " bokuba ." 順徳天皇自身の手による有職故実の解説書『禁秘抄』によれば、かつて「玄上(げんじょう)」と「牧馬(ぼくば)」という琵琶の名器があった。
(note: because there was a time (until about the first year of showa period , around 1926 ) when taxi was expressed as ' takishi ' instead of ' takushi ,' the contemporary expression , some relatively old practical guide books based on the measurement act still use the expression of taximeter as ' takishi meta ,' which should naturally be interpreted as ' takushi meta ,' the contemporary expression .) (注:「タキシー」という表現がされていた時代があった(昭和初年ぐらいまで)ため、計量法に基づく解説書の中で比較的古いものにはその経緯から「タキシーメーター」との表記がなされている場合があるが、これは読み替えて差し支えない。)